Wednesday, October 31, 2012

natural beauty of women face

Nature is the best creation of almighty, without nature human being can not alive in the earth in fact nature work as precondition of living animal of the earth.At present time Men and women using artificial product to increase their beauty But sometimes it impact on his/her face and lose their natural beauty of face.We have to use natural product to maintain and protect our natural beauty and natural face treatment.You have to know some guideline to natural treat your beauty of face.
How pure is the product which you use for your beauty care? What percentage is plant and necessary oils? Are the ingredient from a natural source, certified organic, or are they synthetic? Approximately the top third of the ingredients usually take up 90- 95% of the product, the middle third about 5-8% and the bottom third, 1-3%. The ingredients on the label are listed in quantity order, the first ingredient being the largest. 

What methods have been used to remove ingredients of various product? There are a number of ways to extract oil from a plant. It can be extracted with a solvent which leaves toxic residue in the products, or by very high warmth, which destroys the botanical property associated with the plant. developed oils are poorer quality than organic cold pressed oils in their natural state. seem at pushed vegetable oils where removal occurs without heat or the use of preservatives such as avocado, coconut , macadamia, jojoba, olive. Look at dried herbs that have been infused. This maintains remedial and nutrient properties of these herbs e.g. calendula, chamomile, olive leaf, green tea, rosemary, gotu kola. Look at necessary oils and floral waters that are extracted by steam cleansing which retain their remedial properties e.g. lime, rosemary, blue, tea tree, peppermint. 

How much water (aqua, distilled water, juice) is watering behind the product? We identify that water is space filler and is not an active element. 
How natural is a product? Watch out for goods that are called natural but may only have 1 or 2 ingredient that are natural; the product is not completely natural. If it says “natural” or “organic” on the package, it’s not necessarily a natural or organic product. Especially when it says “natural”. First of all, the term “natural” bears no legal accountability whatsoever, so bounty of unscrupulous manufacturers put it on concoctions full of synthetics, fragrances, colors, etc. Therefore to make sure you actually get natural or organic skin care, be sure to read the ingredients on the labels. If a product says that is contain organic ingredient it does not necessarily indicate that it is a fully natural product. It could mean that it is a 99.9% chemical cocktail with a 0.1% of extract from something organic. So read the labels with awareness. This is a much accepted gimmick, particularly with the big normal company demanding to get a piece of the “green” pie. 

Are there artificial or toxic element present? Have ingredient been treated with a artificial element to get a final component? E.g. derived from a chemical name followed by the natural ingredient.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

what is natural beauty

Natural beauty may be defined in several ways by several people. I am always interested to see what public say is a definition of natural beauty. Is it the right location of a woman's eyes, nose and mouth in relationship with eachother, or it is a woman complexion, or may be her position of mind? Her essence ? What is natural beauty? In each culture it is defined in a different way. I would like to see images of natural beauty and add the traditions of the woman. Everyone has time to share a little beauty, what is yours?